So just give it one more tryTo a lullabyAnd turn t...

So just give it one more try
<br>To a lullaby
<br>And turn this up on the radio
<br>If you can hear me now
<br>Im reaching out
<br>To let you know that youre not alone
<br>And you cant tell
<br>Im scared as hell
<br>Cause I cant get you on the telephone
<br>So just close your
To let you know that you're not alone
And you can't tell
I'm scared as hell
Cause I can't get you on the telephone
So just close your '>
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So just give it one more try
To a lullaby
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
I'm reaching out
To let you know that you're not alone
And you can't tell
I'm scared as hell
Cause I can't get you on the telephone
So just close your

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